Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Destiny vs. English

I came to the United States at a young age; therefore, I never had the chance to learn much about my root. As I grow older, I become more and more interest in Asian culture. At school, I take full advantage of the chances I get to do research. My presentations, essays, and research paper, are somehow always linked to my heritage. No matter how much I try to broaden my choices of topic, the subject usually ends somewhere around Asia.

As much as I love to read and explore this fascinating topic, I hate to put the thoughts and facts on paper. English is my second language. It is a tricky language. I have been and still am struggling with simple verb tense. Even if I have proofread my paper 3 times, I still managed to leave out minor errors. The second challenge I am working on is sentence structure. When I write, especially long essays, I automatically translate from Vietnamese to English. The bad part is that the Vietnamese sentence structure is reversed from English. I some times switch words around. Despite the obstacles, I will continue to work harder. I might not be able to get perfect English, but I will definitely improve the skill I already have.

Reading is my least favorite activity. I usually read books when it is required for school. I know people can only improve their writing skills by reading. If I do not read often, it is a disadvantage for me. This fact is still not enough for motivation. Yet when I do read, it would have some connection with Asia. One good news is that I recently began to read the newspaper at online and at the library. I not only learn new vocabularies but also am more aware of what is happening around the world. It definitely has been giving me new perspectives of life.

As you can tell, my obsession with Asian culture is seriously major. I hope to continue on this path. But along this trail, I look forward to expand my point of view with Mr. Coon’s insight.



LCC said...


Thanks for your letter. I finally established my link with your blog. From previous Asian students, I know that English verb tenses are very hard to learn. My advice is to do your writing a day early and ask a friend to look at the verb tenses for you. I will also be happy to explain why one verb is used instead of another.

One book I enjoyed and would recommend to you is called Monkey Bridge by Lan Cao, about a young Vietnamese girl who lives in the US.

I am impressed by how much you have learned about English and your desire to learn even more. I will do what I can to help.

Deby said...

Hey Destiny,

I enjoyed reading your blog entry for this week. I would be happy to proofreed anything if you want me to. Being seniors has been so awesome, and I love having you in my Statistics and English class. I am excited to read more of your blogs. You can find mine at either debydevries.blogspot.com or deby2.blogspot.com (that is my French blog, I know, I'm a nerd!). Look forward to commenting on your blog, and on getting comments from you.
